Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) is a thermoplastic copolymer derived from the polymerization of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene monomers. These materials are extremely tough and abrasion-resistant having excellent chemical resistance and continuous operating temperatures up to 150°C (300°F). ETFE is also an excellent electrical insulator and has good nonstick and low-friction properties. The Everflon™ ETFE JP40 coatings listed above represent a new, improved formulation of ETFE resins. All of the ETFE coatings listed above are now suitable for food contact end uses. Using appropriate product combinations. coating systems are now available for use in a wide variety of applications ranging from thin-film systems (75- 250 µm [3-10 mill) for service involving abrasion resistance or mild chemical service. to thick-film systems (up to 1300 µm 150 mill) for linings where excellent chemical protection is required.
Thick-film Everflon™ ETFE coatings have been improved for application in thicker films per coat and for better sag resistance when approaching the final thickness. The application technique involves a spray-and-bake procedure whereby multiple coats, sprayed and baked individually, are used to achieve the desired final fi lm thickness. The resulting finish is tough, seamless. and without pinholes-perfect for applications in harsh chemical environments. The relative chemical inertness of Everflon™ ETFE also makes it ideal for applications where maintaining product purity is critical.
Features and Benefits
Characteristics of the water- and powder-based Everflon™ ETFE coatings include:
High film-build capabilities
Industry-leading chemical resistance
Very good dielectric strength
Interchangeable and compatible liquid and powder topcoats
A wide range of FDA-compliant options for food application
Improved efficiency when the powder primer is used in conjunction with a complete powder system
Compatibility with aluminum, stainless steel, and carbon steel substrates
In-use operating temperature of 149 °C (300 °F)
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Pós de revestimento Everflon™ ETFE
O etileno tetrafluoroetileno (ETFE) é um copolímero termoplástico derivado da polimerização de monômeros de etileno e tetrafluoroetileno. Esses materiais são extremamente tenazes e resistentes à abrasão, apresentando excelente resistência química e temperaturas de operação contínua de até 150°C (300°F). O ETFE também é um excelente isolante elétrico e possui boas propriedades antiaderentes e de baixo atrito. Os revestimentos Everflon™ ETFE JP40 listados acima representam uma formulação nova e aprimorada de resinas ETFE. Todos os revestimentos de ETFE listados acima são agora adequados para usos finais em contato com alimentos. Usando combinações apropriadas de produtos. os sistemas de revestimento estão agora disponíveis para uso em uma ampla variedade de aplicações, desde sistemas de película fina (75-250 µm [3-10 moinhos) até serviços que envolvem resistência à abrasão ou serviços químicos suaves. para sistemas de película espessa (até 1300 µm 150 mill) para revestimentos onde é necessária excelente proteção química.
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